How long is the flight from Salt Lake City to Bismarck/Mandan | Flight time from SLC to BIS

How long is the flight from Sanford to Fargo | Flight time from SFB to FAR

How long is the flight from Salt Lake City to Fargo | Flight time from SLC to FAR

How long is the flight from Phoenix to Minot | Flight time from AZA to MOT

How long is the flight from Phoenix to Fargo | Flight time from AZA to FAR

How long is the flight from Phoenix to Grand Forks | Flight time from AZA to GFK

How long is the flight from Phoenix to Bismarck/Mandan | Flight time from AZA to BIS

How long is the flight from Minneapolis to Grand Forks | Flight time from MSP to GFK

How long is the flight from Minot to Houston | Flight time from MOT to IAH

How long is the flight from Minneapolis to Bismarck/Mandan | Flight time from MSP to BIS

How long is the flight from Minot to Denver | Flight time from MOT to DEN

How long is the flight from Minneapolis to Jamestown | Flight time from MSP to JMS

How long is the flight from Minot to Las Vegas | Flight time from MOT to LAS

How long is the flight from Minneapolis to Minot | Flight time from MSP to MOT

How long is the flight from Minot to Minneapolis | Flight time from MOT to MSP

How long is the flight from Minneapolis to Fargo | Flight time from MSP to FAR

How long is the flight from Minot to Phoenix | Flight time from MOT to AZA

How long is the flight from Las Vegas to Fargo | Flight time from LAS to FAR

How long is the flight from Los Angeles to Fargo | Flight time from LAX to FAR

How long is the flight from Las Vegas to Grand Forks | Flight time from LAS to GFK

How long is the flight from Las Vegas to Bismarck/Mandan | Flight time from LAS to BIS

How long is the flight from Las Vegas to Minot | Flight time from LAS to MOT

How long is the flight from Jamestown to Minneapolis | Flight time from JMS to MSP

How long is the flight from Houston to Minot | Flight time from IAH to MOT

How long is the flight from Grand Forks to Minneapolis | Flight time from GFK to MSP