Flight times

Many factors determine how long a flight will be. Distance between the origin and destination is most important. But other things such as the flight path, airline, aircraft type, and strength of headwinds or tailwinds also play a role in influencing flight duration. Knowing what is the typical flight time for a flight as well as how much that time may vary can help with trip planning.

On this site, we list average flight times between airport pairs for direct, nonstop flights. These are itineraries without any connections or stopovers. Please note that the first times listed in the posts are the air time, meaning the amount of time between takeoff and landing. For purposes of planning a multi-segment trip, or for just knowing how long it will be until one gets off the plane, a longer time, the gate to gate time is needed. Approximate gate to gate times are listed later in the posts.

One of the best ways to efficiently use this travel website to find the duration of the flight is with the search box at the top of the site. Enter city names or airport code pairs and related posts on this site will be returned. Visitors can also search for the state or country the airport is in. So as an example if you are interested in how long the flight is from San Francisco to Tokyo, you might enter SFO NRT into this site’s search box and then press return on the keyboard. And then select the right post.

Another way to find interesting information about the duration of a flight is to use the related post links which are listed at the bottom of most pages and typically may link to the flight in the opposite direction, whose flight time can be different in part due to prevailing winds.

Best wishes for an enjoyable flight, and hope you return to visit this website soon so that we may help provide you with flight duration information again in the future.